Weight lifting tips

How to lift weights properly? A comprehensive guide

Are you looking to get started with weightlifting? Or perhaps you've been lifting weights for a while but want to make sure you're doing it correctly. In either case, it's important to learn how to lift weights properly. This article will provide you with all the information you need to get started and start lifting in the best possible way.

What is Weightlifting?

Weightlifting, also known as strength training, is an activity that consists of exercises that use resistance to create increased muscle size, tone, and strength. A general goal could be “adding muscle mass” or “increasing endurance”, as well as injury prevention. Weightlifting is a great way to improve your physical fitness and overall health, but only if it's done correctly. Weightlifting is not as easy as it looks. It can be very easy to get injured, and even if you don't, it can harm your overall fitness levels. Take some time to learn how to breathe properly before starting a weightlifting session.

If you want to maximize your workout and get in shape, there is one simple thing you need to do: lift weights properly. There is no getting around the fact that it’s hard work and it will take time, but learning some of these tips can help make your lifting experience more enjoyable and efficient while maximizing results.

Best Beginners Tips To Get Started in Weightlifting

1. Choose the right weightlifting equipment.

The variety of weightlifting equipment options can be overwhelming, especially if you are just getting started. One thing to consider, though, is that more options usually mean more variety and better exercise options, so you don’t have to feel limited. When it comes to choosing a good set of standard dumbbells, look for those that are on a sliding weight system to allow you to adjust their weight easily. Also, look for weightlifting equipment that comes with a weight guide so you know how much weight to use for each exercise.

2. Learn about proper breathing techniques.

Proper breathing techniques are an essential part of the workout process and can help you avoid injury during your sessions. Exhale when you lift, inhale when you lower the weight and repeat these steps for every exercise in your weightlifting routine. Proper breathing will help you keep your form and do the exercises in the right way.

3. Learn how to properly warm up.

Warming up before your weightlifting routine is an important part of the workout process that should not be overlooked, especially if you want to avoid injury. Once you have completed a proper warm-up, it is time to begin weightlifting. For this exercise, be sure to follow your weightlifting routine exactly as prescribed and make sure you use the correct form while lifting weights. Remember: do not lift heavy until your muscles are warmed up and ready to work!

4. Learn how to perform basic weightlifting exercises properly.

Basic weightlifting exercises include the following: squats, bench presses, deadlifts, and bent-over rows. Most gym classes will cover the basics of these exercises when you are first starting, but you should practice them on your own at home as well. Basic weightlifting exercises are a great way to build muscle mass and get started with a weightlifting routine that works for you.

5. Take a Rest in between your weightlifting sessions.

After a weightlifting session, rest is an important part of the process. If you don't allow yourself to rest, you can be at risk for injury. Rest allows your muscles to repair themselves and increase in strength so you can go harder at your next session. Start with short breaks in between sets and work your way up to longer resting periods later on as you become a more advanced weightlifter.

6. Choose comfortable shoes

Before doing any type of exercise, shoes are a must. Choose comfortable ones that fit your feet, as well as have good support and support your ankles when you lift weights. If you are new to weightlifting, getting used to the feeling of weighted shoes can take some time. Try using ankle weights to help you get adjusted to how they feel. Keep in mind that wearing weights will not give you size or bulk and will only increase muscle mass, which is something you want if you are a beginner.

7. Use proper form.

You must use proper form when lifting weights. Bad form means that you will not be able to increase your muscular strength or get the results you want from weightlifting. Pay special attention to your posture and how your body aligns while doing exercises. Aligning your body correctly will help prevent injuries, and it will give you a better workout.

8. Change up your routine every 6 weeks or 2 months.

As you increase your strength, it is important to not overwork your muscles so you can avoid injury. You should use different exercises for each body part (for example, chest and back) to stimulate as many muscle groups as possible.

10 Don'ts of Weightlifting

1. Don't neglect your workout routine.

Always keep in mind that exercising for the sake of weightlifting is not a good idea. The only reason you should lift weights is that you enjoy working out! If you find yourself doing weightlifting because it is part of an exercise routine, perhaps doing something else, then this is what needs to change. You shouldn’t allow yourself to skip exercise sessions just because you are working out more often.

2. Don't lift weights too soon after surgery.

If you have recently had surgery, it is important to check with your doctor or physical therapist before starting a weightlifting routine. While you might be fine to start a routine right away, you may need to wait for your body to start healing. If it is too early, you can risk injuring yourself and slowing down the healing process.

3. Don't lift too heavy weights right away.

It's important to warm up and stretch before lifting weights, so don’t lift heavy weights when you first start. Start small and work your way up gradually. Don't lift any weight that makes you feel uncomfortable.

4. Don't forget to stretch.

You should always stretch after working out to fix those muscles you just worked out, but stretching before you work out is just as important. If you stretch properly before your weightlifting session, you will be able to perform the exercises more effectively and with less risk of injury. Stretching also helps loosen up your muscles and get them ready for a good workout.

5. Don't overdo it.

If you start to feel sore, it's important to back off. This is good advice for any type of exercise, but especially in the case of weightlifting where the soreness typically builds up more quickly. Make sure you are not overdoing it so that your body has time to recover between sessions.

6. Don't skip a workout.

Skipping weightlifting sessions can have negative effects on your health and muscle tone. Weightlifting is a good way to build muscle tone, but if you don’t work out each session, you may find that you lose some muscle tone and strength over time. Instead of skipping a session or two, pick up where you left off at the next one. Don’t allow yourself to fall behind in your weightlifting routine.

7. Don't lift weights alone

There are several reasons not to lift weights alone. First of all, you can't spot yourself when you're lifting weights. This means if you're doing an exercise that requires weight in each hand like the bench press, you will not be able to lift as much weight as someone who has someone spotting them or holding plates for them. Second, if something goes wrong, you may not be able to get assistance for yourself in time to avoid serious injury.

8. Don't lock your knees when lifting weights.

Locking your knees when lifting weights can cause injury to your knees. Instead of locking them, keep your knees slightly bent when you lift and change the angle of your feet to match the side of your body that you are working.

9. Don't ignore pain during workouts.

If you feel pain during a weightlifting session, you should stop what you are doing and either stop working out or seek the advice of a personal trainer. Some degree of pain is normal when weightlifting (especially on new exercises), but if you feel sharp, intense pain, then it's time to take a break before it gets worse.

10. Don't overdo cardio

If you are following a weightlifting routine, you should not do too much cardio at the same time as your workout routine. Your weightlifting routine should provide enough cardiovascular activity, and if you're doing too much cardio at the same time, it will not provide enough of a cardiovascular workout which could lead to injury and burnout.

5 Common Mistakes Most People Make When Lifting Weights

1. Not incorporating other exercises into your weightlifting routine.

While working out your muscles is extremely important, it is also important to maintain a good balance between strength training and flexibility training. You don't want to develop muscle imbalances because you are overworking certain muscles more than others.

2. Not working on correct posture.

Good posture is essential for effective weightlifting. Poor posture can lead to injury, but with good posture, you will be able to lift weights more effectively and enjoy your workouts more without fearing injury. If you want to improve your form, start with your posture. Here are a few tips to help you improve your form:

  • Stand up straight with your feet under your hips (not in front or behind them).
  • Put your head back and lift your chin to look straight ahead. The goal is for your chest and shoulders to be about the same height, with your elbows at a 90-degree angle when holding weights or resting between reps.
  • Bend at the knees and hips, not at the waist. This will help you keep a good posture even when you are doing exercises that require you to bend backward such as leg presses or pulldowns.

3. Allowing your ego to get in the way

Ego is a huge part of weightlifting. You want to achieve results so bad that you will do whatever you can to achieve them, regardless of what that means for your health and ability to continue lifting weights. The only thing that matters is the result, not the technique that got you there. It's important not to overtrain yourself and allow your ego to get in the way of effective weightlifting.

4. Not taking your time.

Taking your time with weightlifting is one of the most important parts of the workout. You want to make sure you are doing each exercise correctly and that you are working hard enough so that you can achieve the strength gains you want. Remember to start slow and increase your weight as you get stronger and more confident in your abilities.

5. Concentrating far too much on the arms and upper body.

It is important to work your lower body, especially your legs and core muscles but you have to train everything to get the best results. Focus on all the muscle groups in your body and don't forget to work your glutes, abs, and lower back muscles. Know that there are different types of muscle groups and use different exercises for each one.

Try using a variety of weightlifting exercises that target each muscle group for varying levels of difficulty so you can develop all types of muscle mass and strength.

8. Not incorporating resistance exercises.

You should include all types of resistance training into your weightlifting routine to get the best results from it. You can do this by using weights, bands, resistance machines, or even your body weight to perform the exercises that you need to have the most challenging workout possible.


1. Why is lifting weights so important?

To become strong and healthy, you need to perform strength training exercises. Lifting weights increases your muscle size, while also improving your muscle strength, coordination, and endurance.

You can also lift weights to improve your overall health, including relieving stress/anxiety and burning calories (though be careful not to lift too many heavyweights at once). Weightlifting can also expand your knowledge of different exercises because you will have to learn new ones to maintain the right form or technique.

2. Which exercises are the best for weightlifting?

There are several different exercises that you can do which will help you achieve strength and muscle gains fast. Some of the best weightlifting exercises include deadlifts, squats, lunges, bench presses, overhead presses, chin-ups, and dips.

3. How often should I lift weights?

There is no definitive answer to this question. It's important to listen to your body and not overdo it. Generally, it's recommended that people lift weights 2-3 times per week

4. How much weight should I lift?

You should start with a weight that is challenging but manageable for you. As you become more comfortable with the movements, you can gradually increase the amount of weight you lift.

5. When can I expect to see results?

You will start to see results after just a few weeks of weightlifting. Don't give up if you don't see immediate results; rather, slowly increase the weights/resistance you are lifting as you get stronger and more confident with your technique. Also, be patient with yourself and learn more about weightlifting and how to improve your form so that you can develop the best technique possible.


Weightlifting can be a great way to improve your strength, muscular endurance, and overall health. However, it's important to lift weights properly to avoid injuries. With these tips, you'll be on your way to becoming a weightlifting pro in no time.

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