Brain Fog

How to Overcome Brain Fog: 10 Tips to Clear Your Mind

How many times have you sat down at your desk only to look up 20 minutes later with no memory of what you were doing? Sometimes, it’s because you were so tired that your brain couldn’t fully engage in the task at hand; sometimes, it’s because you were distracted by other tasks or conversations that popped into your head; sometimes, it’s because your daily schedule has left you tired and stressed out, and your mental focus has suffered as a result.

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1) Stay Hydrated

Drink at least two liters of water a day. A lot of us only drink when we're thirsty and then, oftentimes, that's simply not enough. Drink a liter (or half a liter) before breakfast, another liter or half a liter before lunch, and then another half liter before dinner. Staying hydrated will help eliminate brain fog caused by dehydration and increase the production of cortisol from the body as it tries to rid itself of toxins.


2) Change The Temperature

Some brain fog causes include sleep deprivation, insufficient physical activity, jet lag, and the overuse of alcohol or caffeine. If you are suffering from any of these things (or more), it might be time for a break. You must get restful sleep if your brain fog is being caused by sleep deprivation.

Speak with your doctor or a professional if you need help getting back on track. Try using natural remedies like magnesium supplements, breathing exercises, meditation practices, drinking chamomile tea, taking probiotics, spending time in nature, and eating nutrient-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables for fast relief.

3) Avoid Artificial Light (Embrace Natural Light)

Artificial light can slow down your brain's production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates your sleep and wake cycle. If you work in an office with fluorescent lights or use electronic devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones just before bedtime, it will suppress the release of melatonin and make it more difficult for you to fall asleep.

The best way to avoid this is by limiting your exposure to artificial light in the evening hours. Instead, try reading a book by candlelight or enjoying the stars on a summer night. You should also take care not to expose yourself to blue light from electronic devices like laptops, tablet PCs, and cellphones after sunset.

Consider downloading programs like f.lux which reduce the blue light emitted from your computer screen at night. Try listening to music when going to bed instead of watching TV or using electronics as these emit low-level electromagnetic fields which may disturb your natural body rhythms.

4) Take A Break From Technology

It's now common knowledge that the human brain needs a break from technology and that heavy use of electronics can interfere with our ability to focus. But how do you clear your mind when your phone is constantly buzzing with notifications? If you're looking for some tips on taking a break from technology, here are ten things you can do.

1) Leave your phone at home or in the car when you go out. It might seem like the most obvious tip, but it's also the most important. Leaving the house without your phone will force you to engage more with those around you and give you time away from social media notifications. 2) Make an agreement with friends or family about checking their phones less often during dinner or other activities together.

5) Exercise Regularly

Exercise is the best way to get the blood flowing and oxygen pumping. This can help clear your mind of any cloudiness and will leave you feeling more energized throughout the day. You should also try meditating for 5-10 minutes before bedtime, which will help you sleep better and feel more rested in the morning.

Meditation can also be used as a quick pick-me-up during your work day! Simply take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, and spend about five minutes focusing on your breathing or an object in front of you. Don't forget to give yourself time for breaks during the day so that you are refreshed when it's time to get back at it again!

6) Get 7–8 Hours of Sleep a Night

One way to overcome brain fog is to get enough sleep. We’re not talking about five hours of restless sleep a night, but seven or eight hours of uninterrupted rest. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body can produce cortisol and adrenaline in response,

which can make it more difficult for the body to maintain its natural balance. Sleep is critical for our bodies to heal and repair themselves from the day-to-day wear and tear that comes with life. Getting enough sleep will help your mind stay sharp.

7) Eat Foods High in Omega-3s

Start your day with an omega-3-rich breakfast. Foods high in omega-3s include fatty fish, nuts, and seeds. These foods are also great for boosting memory and concentration.

Get your daily omega-3 dose from a supplement or quality source such as seafood. You can also look for vegetarian alternatives that are fortified with omega-3s like soy, almond, and rice milk.

8) Read Books, But Not on Screen

The issue could be as simple as reading a hard copy of a book. One study found that looking at an electronic screen for three hours was the same as having a blood alcohol level of .08, which is the legal limit for driving in many states.

This can reduce our ability to concentrate and focus on tasks.
The issue could also be related to stress or lack of sleep. Try taking some time out for yourself every day, whether it's just five minutes or more if you need it. Take deep breaths and relax your muscles, practicing yoga can also help with this.
If you're constantly on the go, try some mindfulness exercises so that you can take time out each day without feeling like you're slowing down your productivity.

9) Clean Out Your Pantry and Refrigerator

One of the simplest and most effective ways to overcome brain fog is by purging your home of all processed foods. Processed food, such as canned goods, boxed cereals, and frozen dinners has been stripped of vital nutrients that are necessary for mental clarity.

This is because processing food means breaking it down into smaller pieces or boiling it in water. As a result, much of the natural vitamins and minerals are lost.
The best way to go about this is to start by going through your pantry and tossing out anything processed or packaged with refined sugars or artificial sweeteners.

10) Consider Supplementation

Brain fog can be caused by several different factors. Whether the cause is too much caffeine, lack of sleep, or something else entirely, your diet and lifestyle could be contributing.

If you think brain fog is affecting your life, try these tips for overcoming it. -Take magnesium supplements if you suspect low levels of magnesium are causing your symptoms. Magnesium has been shown to help regulate sleep cycles, increase attention span, improve mood, and reduce anxiety.
-Get outside during daylight hours.

Studies have found that exposure to natural light increases serotonin production in the brain which can help relieve depression.
-Practice mindfulness meditation for at least five minutes each day to get back in touch with your body's sensations and emotions; this will also help you process thoughts more effectively. You may find that some days are better than others when it comes to staying focused on meditation but every little bit helps!

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