Communicate Your Feelings in a Scary but Awesome Way

How to Communicate Your Feelings in a Scary but Awesome Way

Have you ever had someone ask you how you are feeling, and then find yourself responding in the most surface-level way possible? For example, someone might ask you how you’re doing, and instead of responding with how you feel, you say something like I’m doing great! How about you? While it seems like a harmless thing to do, communicating your feelings in this manner can make other people think that something is wrong with you, and prevent them from knowing how to help you when things are truly difficult.

Do you find it difficult to speak what you feel? Do words don’t come out of your mouth every time you’re wanting to speak your heart out?

The key to being able to speak and communicate your feelings is having supreme confidence in yourself and knowing that you’re good enough, smart enough, and attractive enough. In this article, we look over some very important tips on how to communicate your feelings better and how you will benefit from this. 

Communicating your feelings 

 Communicate Your Feelings in a Scary but Awesome Way

Getting in touch with your emotions allows you to better understand yourself. And revealing your emotions allows people to better understand you. 

Understanding and acceptance are fundamental human desires. As a result, sharing your inner experiences and sentiments increases your chances of connecting in deep and meaningful ways.   

You're also more likely to get your wants satisfied, which leads to better, healthier relationships.  

It might be difficult to express your emotions. When you express your emotions, you make yourself vulnerable.   

This vulnerability might be frightening because it exposes you to the danger of being wounded, but it can also lead to the most profound relationships.  

When you express your emotions, there is no way to avoid the possibility of being misunderstood, disregarded, or condemned.


Why communicating your feelings is beneficial?

Humans benefit from expressing their emotions. Have you ever had emotion and had no idea what it was or why you felt it? You are not alone if you responded yes to this question.  

Although it might be challenging at times, discussing and expressing emotions is a normal, natural, and healthy component of being human.  

Emotions and the capacity to communicate emotions allow us to connect with ourselves more deeply, increasing communication and connections with others.  

We are born with a wide spectrum of emotions, including sorrow, rage, pleasure, happiness, and fear.  

Stopping this healthy and natural process might have harmful and ill repercussions. We are born with the ability to feel, just as we are born with the ability to breathe.   

Holding or halting your breath results in death, whereas stuffing and suppressing your emotions results in misery, stress, and other life-threatening illnesses and diseases. 

Learning how to express emotions healthily provides the following advantages: 

  • Improves the capacity to connect with oneself and others, resulting in better and happier relationships.  

  • Improves decision-making and problem-solving abilities.

  • Reduces stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms by increasing resilience and decreasing stress. I highly recommend using stress balls if you feel like you’re always stressed out. These balls will give you extra comfort and confidence to communicate your feelings better.

Ways to Communicate Your Feelings Betters


  1. It's normal if you feel anxious or stressed while communicating your feelings

Emotions are natural; we all have them, we all experience them, and they all serve a purpose. Our brain is a muscle that controls everything we do, think, and feel.  

When it comes to processing our emotions, we must recognize them, express them, and move on for our brain to perform its job and enable us to experience good emotions.   

  1. Be generous to yourself

Practice self-compassion and self-love. Allow yourself to let go of any emotions-related ideas and beliefs that are no longer benefiting you.

Consider if you are experiencing thoughts of guilt or shame while expressing emotions. They might be linked to a negative concept, narrative, or belief you formerly had about that feeling. 

  1. Be confident and don't be afraid of rejection

What's the worst that could happen when you express your thoughts?  

The other person will reject you or don’t agree with you. That’s it.  

No big deal.  

When you’re confident in yourself and know your worth it doesn’t matter what other people think.  

One of the best ways you can foster more confidence in yourself is by practicing face yoga. 

4. Identify The Problem

Before you can confront someone about their actions, you have to identify what the problem is. What exactly is upsetting you? Why does it make you uncomfortable? When did it start happening? Has this ever happened before? Remember that there may be more than one problem. It's okay if they're hard to figure out, just try your best and remember that this person deserves an explanation. Once you know the problems, you'll know what questions to ask yourself next. Step Two: Think About The Person You're Talking To: How do they usually react when things go wrong? What are their triggers? Are they going through something right now that might change how they behave with others or how they react to things?

Do they feel defensive easily? Take all of these things into consideration before bringing up the problem because not everyone will take criticism well or deal with confrontation well. Step Three: Get Some Support: If this is too difficult for you on your own, reach out to friends or family for support or seek professional help. Talking about it with people who love and care about you will give them another perspective on the situation and help calm any fears of judgment from others.

5.  Remember, There Are 2 Sides To Every Argument

Let's break this down.
One person starts by talking about what they're feeling without accusing the other person of anything (this is called I statements). For example, When I don't take out the trash, I feel angry and frustrated because it just creates more work for me. As soon as this person finishes their I statement, it becomes the other person's turn to respond with an I statement of their own. For example, It sounds like you're feeling really angry right now and I'm sorry that doing the trash has made things so difficult for you. You can also find yourself stuck in a catch-22 because you might not know how someone feels until they tell you.

6.  Practice Forgiving

This third step is a little scary and could be terrifying if you're struggling with forgiving someone who's done something bad. But here's the thing: not forgiving can do more harm than good, because not forgiving will build up bitterness and it won't allow you to heal from what happened. You'll carry that baggage around with you like an anchor and never reach your full potential or live the best life possible.

So it's time to forgive, forget, and move on. That might sound easy in theory, but we all know how hard it can be! The truth is that forgiveness takes practice (which means repeating this process over and over again) before you feel like you've forgiven the person fully.

7. Talk To The Person Directly Involved

The hardest part about feelings is that it takes a lot of courage to share them with the person directly involved. It's the scariest thing in the world because it can be so hard to know how they will react. It's scary because you are opening yourself up, allowing someone else access and control over what is happening inside your head, opening yourself up for any possible outcome.

But by doing this, you are setting yourself free as well. Putting your thoughts out there allows you to see them for what they are and not let them simmer under the surface forever—hoping that maybe one-day things will change or magically get better if you just stay silent.

8.  Start A Dialogue With Someone You Trust

Once you get the courage up to start your dialogue, don't be surprised if you start shaking or crying. You may even find yourself hyperventilating before the conversation begins.

Remember, however, that all these emotions are healthy and good. They indicate that you have been bottling up your feelings for too long, and now is the time for them to finally come out! So here is my message to you: stop holding back!

9.  Work It Out Together

At the end of this all, we realized that some things will always be scary. And although it's possible to help diminish their impact on us, sometimes it's unavoidable. I'll never be able to read about the many victims of molestation and feel the same way I did before, for example. And yeah, I'm scared when I think about doing a shoot without my partner there.

But after all this work, I am so much more accepting of what happened to me and confident that if something bad does happen, my partner will come running from across the world. We can communicate these fears honestly and openly with each other and still know how much we're loved for who we are - if only people could do this with one another all the time!

 Face Yoga to increase confidence in communication

    The phrase "confidence" refers to how we regard ourselves.

    People with confidence have a positive view of themselves and prefer to concentrate on their progress and accomplishments.   

    Individuals with low self-esteem, on the other hand, lack confidence, are sad, unsatisfied, or have inferiority complexes, and may display negative conduct the majority of the time.  

    We all have our ups and downs, and everyone has low confidence at times. However, if low self-esteem persists, it may have major health effects on both physical and mental levels.   

    Low self-esteem puts us in danger of not enjoying our lives to the fullest and creating a shaky sense of self. If you’re suffering from low self-esteem.

    How Face Yoga Can Help:

    • Heal depression: Yogic practices may help you cope with stress and despair. Face Yoga poses stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, while also promoting beauty and aging. 

    • Improved self-image: Face Yoga is an art form that improves practitioners' self-image and self-worth. The spiritual part of face yoga emphasizes an interior connection that helps practitioners become more in touch with their bodies and emotions. We feel wonderful in our flesh when we are connected to ourselves. 

    • Improve focus: People who lack confidence have difficulties focusing. Face Yoga exercises assist people to concentrate on a specific location, which helps them develop greater attention. 

    • Face Yoga encourages attentive eating and general wellness: Via the knowledge of yogic nutrition, a stronger mind-body connection, decreased stress levels, and more. Face Yoga is also very effective in the treatment of trauma, physical pain, and overall well-being.

    Final Thoughts 

    Not being able to communicate your feelings can put you in a cell and make you feel shackled to a chain. 

    Which is one of the worst feelings one can feel.

    In this article, we looked at some of the ways you can use to communicate your feelings better, such as: 

    • Get in touch with your emotions and acknowledge them.

    • Practicing self-compassion and self-love.

    • Be confident and don't be afraid of rejection. When you’re confident in yourself and know your worth it doesn’t matter what other people think.

    • Practicing face yoga daily as it uplifts our mood and makes us feel good.

    Here are some ways face yoga can help: 

    • It helps in healing depression.

    • It improves your self-image.

    • Face Yoga exercises assist people to concentrate on a specific location, which helps them develop greater attention.

    • Face Yoga encourages attentive eating and general wellness.


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