Someone in Tough Times

How to Help Someone in Tough Times and be There for Them by Saying the Right Things

When you’re in the depths of despair, some phrases can make you feel better, and others only make things worse. If you know someone who is going through a rough time – whether it’s because of an illness, because they lost their job, or because of something else – you want to help them, but not say the wrong thing and make things worse. This guide offers 10 phrases that can help make your friend or family member feel better during their trying time, and gives examples of how to say these phrases in ways that will bring them comfort rather than distress.

Do you have someone in your life going through a tough time?  Are they feeling depressed or losing their determination and will? 

Then the best way for you to help them is to be there for them and make them feel connected and understood. 

In this article, we will go over more in-depth different ways you can help other people in tough times. 

Best ways to help someone in tough times and say the right things Someone in Tough Times

We frequently don't know what to say when someone we know suffers a loss or is going through a tough circumstance.  

Sometimes we ramble or, worse, ignore the individual by saying nothing. But it doesn't help at all, and it leaves us carrying a lot of guilt...and maybe alienating someone we care about.  

So, how can we demonstrate our concern?  

While each tragedy is unique to the one experiencing it, there are similar feelings that many of us experience through times of grief and loss.  

Here are some suggestions on how to help someone in tough times and say the right words:  

  1. Maintain your concentration on them

It is critical to truly listen while listening to a buddy in need. That implies listening to hear rather than responding. 

It's not that expressing your ideas isn't beneficial; it's simply that it's all too simple to dominate the discussion without even realizing it. 

  1. Refrain from saying, "I understand," or from sharing your account of a similar-appearing situation

If you are positive that you have had a comparable event that they would be interested in hearing about, attempt to save the subject until later.   

The trick is to let them determine if the experiences are comparable enough to connect over and to position it as "this is something we can talk about later" rather than deviating from the present topic to discuss your experience.  

  1. When in doubt, inquire

It's quite normal to be at a loss for words or actions in reaction to a friend's tragic predicament. They may not even be aware of what they want you to say or do. So, if you're unsure, just ask.  

  1. Understand that there is no guilt in saying "I'm very sorry"

If you want "I'm very sorry" to signify anything, make sure you say it correctly. There's a big difference between saying, "I'm sorry for your loss," before you've even had a chance to comprehend the news, and saying, "Oh, buddy, I'm so sorry."

The Right Words to Say in Tough Times

"Thank you for all you do for us, but now is the time for you to take care of yourself as well"

Family members are often accountable for taking care of one another in numerous ways, including housework and crucial obligations.  

When a family member is going through a tough time, it may be difficult to justify a much-needed sabbatical. Allow your family member to know that you'd want to take over certain chores while he or she attends to his or her personal needs.  

  1. Remind your family member of anything kind he or she did for you

When you were going through a difficult moment, your family members were most likely there for you. Remind them of this when they find themselves in the same situation. 

They'll be pleased that they helped you feel better. More importantly, telling them how they helped you may make them feel better. 

  1. "I'm proud of you"

Depending on the nature of your connection with a family member, this significant individual will probably appreciate hearing that you're pleased with how he or she is coping with a difficult situation.  

For example, parents may tell their kids that they are pleased with how he or they handled a painful split.  

  1. "I'm sad you have to go through this, but I have faith that you can get through it."

People want to know that their friends not only like them but also appreciate them. Tell a buddy who is going through a difficult moment that you know he or she has the strength to get through it.  

Even better, use a real tale or life incident to demonstrate that your buddy is as strong as you say.  

  1. Remember when you came through for me? Now it's my time to reciprocate

Friends in distress, like family members, typically feel better when someone reminds them of how much they've helped in the past.  

Let your buddy know you want to help her by recalling a moment when she did the same for you. This increases the likelihood that your buddy will accept your offer to assist.


So, this is all about how to help someone in tough times and say the right words, but you will also need to have good communication skills which can be developed by face yoga. 

6. I'm here if you need anything.

We all want people who will be there for us when we're going through tough times. So you must take the time to try and support someone when they're going through something difficult. Not knowing what to say is often why people don't reach out. So here are 10 phrases that can help you support your friend, co-worker, or family member:
1) I'm sorry you are going through this. It may seem like an obvious statement, but those words can mean a lot when someone opens up about their struggles. The best thing you can do for them validates their feelings and show them that they are not alone in whatever they are experiencing.

7. What can I do?

1. I'm so sorry you're going through this. 2. What can I do to help? 3. you must take care of yourself right now. 4. I'm here for you, what do you need? 5. Do you want me to come over and sit with you? 6. How are your kids handling it? 7. Let's talk about things other than the hard stuff 8. What did you make for dinner last night? 9. Tell me more about your kids - what are their favorite activities? 10. Tell me more about your hobby - how long have you been doing it?

8.  How are you feeling?

I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I'm here for you if you need anything. Is there anything I can do? Is there someone who can help? Can I give you my number in case of an emergency? It sounds like everything has been really hard for you, and that's not fair. But I'm here for you now. I hope everything gets better soon. Do want me to come with you? Let me know if there's anything I can do or buy for you or take care of. You're going through so much right now, and I just want to be there for you every step of the way. I'll stay up all night if it means getting you some rest.
You don't have to go through this alone.
Whatever we need to do, I'll always be here for you.

9. It's OK to feel down.

It's okay to feel down. Your thoughts are valid but do your best not to sink into them. Instead, think about what you're going through as temporary and out of your control, which can help put the difficult emotions in perspective. If someone asks how you're doing and it's not something you want to talk about, don't try too hard with an explanation. Just say not good or not great and leave it at that.

That way people know what they're getting themselves into when they reach out, rather than forcing yourself into some level of awareness you aren't ready for yet or putting on a false face with them and still feeling down later when they find out how things are. Don't give up.:

Don't give up. A change in attitude can often be enough to change the entire situation. Even if things don't work out exactly as planned, you may have learned valuable lessons along the way that will help you with future endeavors or simply make you a wiser and more compassionate person.

10.  You deserve time and space to get better

It sounds like you have been going through a really difficult time lately. I'm so sorry you're going through this, and I just want you to know that it's not your fault and there is no right or wrong way to feel right now. You deserve time and space with yourself to heal, whether that be some quiet moments alone or finding ways to surround yourself with people who care about you. Things will get better - they always do!
The most important thing for me right now is that you are okay. Take as much time as you need to recover from what has happened. No matter how long it takes, I'll be here when you are ready to talk.
I love the fact that even though things have been hard for us both, we've still had fun together these past few days while making plans for our future together. Let's make sure we keep those good memories in mind when the rough times come up again because those are what keep me strong during tough times too.

How to Use Face Yoga to Improve Your Communication with People Who Need You

Face yoga is new-age Yoga that helps people not only improve their looks and attractiveness but it also releases trapped emotions that are being held by our facial musculature.  

Hence, so many times we are unable to communicate our true feelings with our loved ones and fail to be there for them.  

Here are some Face Yoga exercises that will help you release trapped stress and emotions from your skull and face and free your mind:  

The Forehead Smoother  

This motion promotes face relaxation.  

  • Lift one arm straight up, then lower it over your head to lay your fingers on your temple.
  • Lift your face up and back with your fingers, then lower your head over to your shoulder, maintaining your chest wide.

  • Hold this stance while gently exhaling through your lips.

  • To advance the position, extend your other arm at a 45-degree angle and, as you exhale, put your tongue out towards the ground.

  • Repeat on the opposite side and all the way through.  

Chant ‘Om’ With A Smile  

Chanting 'Om' relaxes the facial muscles and calms the psyche. This yogic activity is the simplest of the face yoga positions.   

Close your eyes and gently smile, envisioning the place between your brows as a balancing center. And then chant Om.   

Keep repeating it for 1 minute to see great results.


Final Thoughts 

When someone we love or care about is going through a tough time, it can get very difficult to communicate to them that we are there for them. 

No matter what happens we will stick by their side. 

But by reading this article you learned some very powerful ways to do that. 

Such as:

  • Listening to them properly and maintaining your concentration on them.

  • Not trying to relate to their experience as they might feel disrespected.

  • Understand that there is no guilt in saying "I'm very sorry" 

There are also a lot of right words you can say such as: 

Thank you for all you do, reminding them of something kind they did or just a simple I’m proud of you. 

All these things can go a long way in uplifting those people.


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