How to use Modern Networking Tactics to Further Your Career

How to use Modern Networking Tactics to Further Your Career

Making connections is essential for commercial success. Your capacity to influence offers and grow in your career, regardless of the field you work in, is impacted by networking. However, the majority of individuals have a mistaken perception of networking. For instance, we frequently believe that extroverts and extremely charming people are most suited for networking success. This rigid and constrained way of thinking will lead to catastrophe. Although it may be learned and improved through time, networking is not an intrinsic skill.

These Habits of Networkers Make Them Distinct From The Crowd

Modern Networking Habits

1. They value face-to-face communication.

Prioritizing virtual communications is simple given the fast growth of social media and online social networks. However, the most successful networkers understand that face-to-face interaction is important. Building rapport, trust, and understanding depend on the facial expressions and body language that are communicated.

One cannot overestimate the importance of face-to-face communication. 95% of respondents say face-to-face interactions are crucial for building lasting business partnerships. There is a reason why, on average, businesses get $12.50 back in business value for every dollar spent on travel and why, on average, companies would lose 17% of their earnings if they stopped using travel for business. In-person meetings produce 28% more ideas and increase idea originality by 13%.


2. Quality is prioritized above quantity.

The average workweek is only 40 hours long. We have limited time to connect with people and build connections. According to the well-known "Dunbar Number," there is a limit to how many relationships one can actively maintain—roughly 150. Furthermore, unlike what many people think, social media does not let us get beyond this restriction.

Many individuals take great satisfaction in the size of their network—their number of Facebook friends and LinkedIn connections, for instance. The most successful networkers place more emphasis on connection quality than a number. They put a high value on forming relationships with super connectors, those with established networks they can use to access anybody they want strategically. Super connectors frequently display four essential traits. They understand that unequal interactions exist. They comprehend the network of their team in its entirety. They are aware of the big picture. Additionally, they have a high EQ.

3. They make use of unused connections.

We frequently start by reaching out to our most powerful active connections when looking to people in our network for guidance or as possible partners. Effective networks adopt a different approach and concentrate on reviving inactive links.

In a ground-breaking study, Daniel Levin of Rutgers Business School and colleagues asked MBA students to ask current active connections in their network and dormant contacts—those with whom they had not maintained contact for at least three years—for assistance with an important work project. The study's findings showed inactive interactions were often more beneficial than active ones.

Weak bonds and dormant connections are quite different. Strong connections are uncommon for dormant ones. They often consist of previously close connections but have since lost contact. As a result of mutual trust and the fact that dormant ties were once strong, it is usually simple to rekindle and revitalize them. Even though most people don't recognize it, persons with inactive connections can be a great source of information and social capital. Strong connections frequently include repetitive information, whereas inactive connections bring fresh, varied information. They will have gathered new knowledge and contacts while idle, thereby expanding their network's capability.

The most successful networkers constantly seek new methods to revive close ties. They may monitor inactive contacts with Affinity and decide the best ways to re-engage them when chances present themselves.

Contrary to common assumptions, networking successfully is not a natural talent. It can be picked up with practice. The mentality is essential for effective networking. It's critical to acknowledge and value that networking includes "effort." Setting the tasks mentioned above as your top priorities will help you develop a stronger and more influential network over time. Whether they know it or not, every businessperson networks. Some people are more successful and enjoy it more than others. With a little work and magic, anyone can become a networking expert.


The Eleven Networking Habits of Highly Successful People You Must Adopt

Modern Networking Habits

 Consider this. You are networking every time you interact with someone. You are networking each time you shake someone's hand. You are networking every time you pick up the phone. You are networking every time you send an email. You are networking each time you converse with someone. You are networking each time you write a note (yes, some people still write notes).

You can network without attending a neighborhood event, an after-hours reception, a fundraiser, or a professional conference. Unless you are stuck on a desert island like Tom Hanks or Robinson Crusoe, you are continuously networking.

Some individuals go about it deliberately, while others drift through the motions. People that do business with a purpose are the most successful. Intentional networking leads to more revenues and more business.

Consider adopting these seven behaviors of highly effective networkers if you want to improve your ability to connect with people:

1.   Knowing what networking is

If you don't know what networking is, you can't succeed at it. Surprisingly, a lot of people are misinformed about it. Before you start, it's important to understand what networking is not.

It's not necessary to be aggressive or forceful when networking. It is not self-serving or biased. It is not about who can shake the most hands or gather the most business cards. It has nothing to do with looking for a job or enticing more individuals to become clients. It doesn't matter how many LinkedIn connections you have or how many "friends" you have on Facebook.

Who you know is important in networking. The more diverse your network of contacts is and the more individuals you know, the more successful you will be.

Who knows what you need to know is what networking is all about. Effective networkers connect with individuals who can provide them with the knowledge and experience they need to succeed.


What you know is important in networking. What are your areas of specialization and talents? Nobody will understand what you give or do if you are unclear about it.

The most crucial aspect of networking is ensuring that people know your expertise. How well-known are you, and how many people are aware of your specialty? When people recognize your expertise, they turn to you as the expert and go-to source. Having people come to you rather than finding them is much simpler.

As a successful networker, you should build a large network of contacts. Your interactions with these contacts should benefit you and the individuals you know.

2.   Creating a networking plan

Smart networkers have a plan in place. Before participating in any opportunity or attending any event, they think about the fundamentals of why, what, who, and how. How come they are networking? What do they want to achieve? Who will they encounter? How can they be of service to people they encounter, and how will the bonds they forge be advantageous to both parties?

3.   Finding the appropriate location

Because there are so many possibilities for networking, skilled networkers pick their settings carefully. They do so in light of many variables. Just three things to think about are date, time, and location. Breakfast clubs might not be your cup of tea if you are not a morning person.

Find another event if you don't want to mingle at cocktail parties. Finding organizations that offer things you like at a time of day that suits you will be more fruitful. Remember that not all networking is connected to the workplace. Anywhere, you may establish meaningful connections with like-minded individuals.

4.   Coordinating and preparing for events

The shrewd networkers do their homework before deciding whether to attend an event or join a group. Why is there a gathering if there is one to attend? There will be who? What will inevitably be on everyone's mind? What should I wear? Making a bad first impression by arriving in improper clothing might make someone stick out from the crowd.

5.   Developing conversational skills


If you can't start a conversation with someone when you arrive at an event, it's a waste of time to show up there. Prepare at least three things you can discuss when no one has anything to say so you won't find yourself at a loss for words. Remember that 80 percent of the conversation is listening, and 20 percent is speaking. Prepare some open-ended questions in advance to encourage dialogue. Pay attention to the responses so you can move the topic further.

6.   Follow-up and completion

People you've met become people you know when you follow up. Consider strategies to maintain contact. Some include as little as sending someone a letter, giving them material relevant to their area of expertise or interests, inviting them to join you for coffee or even meeting up for lunch. If you said, "Let's meet together some time," follow through on that. Do what you say you'll do is the networking equivalent of the Golden Rule. You've lost a chance and will always be viewed as unreliable if you don't.

7.   Practice outstanding corporate manners from beginning to end

Effective networkers, at the very least, exhibit polite behavior. That is networking's magic. By concentrating their attention on others, effective networkers make them feel important. When anything is spoken, they pay attention and respond. They don't peer over the other person's shoulder to see who they can talk to next. They use their etiquette abilities to put others at ease by initiating introductions and bringing others into the conversation. When it's time to leave, the courteous networker has elegant departure strategies ready. "I have liked our chat" is a suitable coda. Sorry to stop, but I've taken up too much of your time. I know that there are others in the room with whom you would like to speak.

An effective networker is someone people will seek out in the future, whether for knowledge, assistance with a problem, or to provide an opportunity by displaying the finest in business etiquette abilities. There is no question that individuals prefer to spend time with and conduct business with someone they like. Everyone enjoys being around people who make them feel at ease and at ease.

Have you cultivated the seven traits of a highly effective networker to create and nurture relationships with various mutually beneficial individuals? Have you improved your professional manners such that people want to spend time with you? If not, do so right now. It's never too late to exercise networking magic, expand your network, and sharpen your people skills.

8.   Smiling

Not everyone finds networking to be simple. It could even be scary. A pleasant grin is what relaxes someone. Others are encouraged to respond with a grin or a greeting. A degree of comfort is produced once a person is at ease. A simple grin can greatly aid the door to discussion, connection, and perhaps more.

9.   Speaking to many people in the same conversation


Talking to more than one or two people in the room is a sign of a good networker. They naturally can provide the right amount of information and comprehend the ebb and flow of the networking discussion. They notice these times, acknowledge them, conclude the conversation, and then go on. There is a natural point where the conversation wants to finish on its own. If necessary, they will subsequently reach back.

10.  Giving less thought to what others can do for you

People imply that when they say you should network, you should speak to others. The greatest method to the network is to show interest in others, inquire about their job, and consider how you might be of assistance. Instead of concentrating on what they can accomplish for you, think about them. It's a terrific method to get to know others since people love to chat about the things that interest them.

11.  Bringing people together

We all know that the money is in the follow-up and that you must pay close attention to what people need to help them. Still, effective networkers also know how to link people together. People don't forget people who aid them with difficulties and bring them business. A wonderful method to develop a devoted tribe of individuals who will support you when you need to "cash in" your relationship currency is to act as a connector.


Following the above-described great habits of highly effective networkers can reap extraordinary benefits in your business and personal life. Keep learning the habits of successful people.

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