Robots Really Kill Millions

Will Robots Really Kill Millions of Jobs by 2030?

The world will be drastically different in 2030 if some experts are to be believed. According to one report, as many as 7 million jobs could be lost in America alone due to the advancement of artificial intelligence and robots over the next 14 years or so—and that’s not counting the millions of jobs that will also be lost due to outsourcing and other reasons... What do you think? Will robots kill millions of jobs by 2030, or are these just empty threats by people who want us to keep our guard up? And what would happen if they were right, anyway? Should we all be worried?

Will Robots Really Kill Millions

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The Rise in Robotics

Machines are getting smarter and more capable every year, and their development has increased exponentially in the past decade. Automation is now cheaper than human labor in a lot of fields. The advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) will make it easier for machines to learn without being explicitly programmed and perform tasks that were once thought impossible. Machines are even starting to design themselves, with much better results than humans!
It’s not just blue-collar jobs either - white-collar jobs are also at risk from automation. Doctors, lawyers, scientists: all occupations that have traditionally been seen as safe could be automated into obsolescence.

Where Are the Jobs At Risk?

We often hear about robots killing humans and this has been happening for decades. Think of the ATM, self-checkout machines in stores, and traffic lights that respond to cars. But it's not just blue-collar jobs that are at risk. Robots can do many things better than humans, and white-collar jobs could be next. Already there have been algorithm-driven hedge funds outperforming human fund managers. Computers have begun to write news stories. Software is now being used for parole hearings, drawing up wills and legal contracts, as well as being able to interview job candidates better than a human ever could. The last thing we need is artificial intelligence making decisions on where people should work because let's face it - we're terrible at doing so ourselves!

The Future Is Now

McKinsey and Company estimate that more than 20 million jobs will be displaced by technology in the next ten years alone. But this doesn't mean that you should hunker down and wait for the robots to take your job. The future is a place where humans and machines work side-by-side, complementing one another's strengths. With the right skills and strategies, anyone can have a successful career in this emerging economy. In this blog post, I'll cover three ways people who want to remain relevant as the workforce evolves can do so. First, it is important to focus on skill development and growth. Learn how to code or become a data scientist, not because these professions are inherently better but because these skills are increasingly in demand across industries.

Second, know what industry sector best suits your interests and passions - there are roles available now for people who don't want to work in tech! Finally, it’s time to reimagine what makes an excellent employee - beyond having expertise in any specific field or following instructions precisely. Companies need employees who can think creatively; speak persuasively; connect with customers or clients on an emotional level; manage teams effectively; adapt quickly when circumstances change and show empathy at all times.

How We Got Here?

The idea that robots are going to kill jobs is not a new one. The original Luddites were a group of 19th-century British textile workers who protested against the labor-saving devices coming into factories. A recent study from the University of Oxford published in 2013 found that around 47% of U.S. jobs were at risk of being automated in the next two decades or so. For example, self-driving vehicles are projected to cause significant disruptions to truckers, taxi drivers, and others in the transportation industry. And according to a McKinsey report, as many as 375 million workers across 15 major developed economies may need to switch occupations due to automation.

What Should We Do About It?

1. We need to train people now for jobs that don't yet exist.

2. Create a universal basic income so everyone has a minimum level of income, thus allowing everyone to live on their terms, not just for others.

3. Institute a Universal Basic Dividend (UBI) where the government invests in all its citizens and pays them dividends from this investment every year. This dividend would be significantly less than what it costs to provide for someone who is not working but would be enough to give people the confidence they need to start their own business or retire with dignity and security if they want to stop working altogether.

The Impact of robots on Society

Will Robots Really Kill Millions

What will be the impact on society when robots take over our jobs? Some people say that this will create a lot more leisure time for humans to pursue their passions. Some people say that this will have a major negative impact on society. This is because we need to have jobs to sustain the economy and robots may do all of our work, which would then leave many without any source of income. If this happens, poverty could become an even bigger problem than it already is today. Plus, robots can't do everything; they still can't perform tasks like cooking food or driving cars. But what if those too were robotized in the future? People will have to find something else they're good at to survive.

Final Thoughts

In recent years, automation and artificial intelligence have started to take over some jobs traditionally done by humans. It's hard to know if this will continue on a larger scale because we still don't know for sure what the effects will be on the economy. Will robots create more jobs or just replace them? All we can do is wait and see.

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