The best pots for indoor plants

The best pots for indoor plants: how to choose the right size, material and style for your home

What’s the best pot to use for your house plants? A lot of people prefer to go with plastic pots rather than terra cotta, clay, or other materials, but it’s not always clear whether they should go with the classic round design or something else entirely. There are several other things to consider when choosing the right pot, like size and material, as well as style. We’ll look at each of these in more detail below.

Are you passionate about your house plants and want to improve their appearance and size even more? 

Then looking for the best type of pot might be the best answer to your desires. 

The appropriate plant container might be the difference between a happy houseplant and a sad one. Plant pots are more than simply a receptacle to store plants. 

In this article, I will go over the best type of pot to use for your house plants. 

The Best Type of Pot to Use for Your House Plants

The best pots for indoor plants

Before we go into the details of the different pots here are some really important pointers you must consider: 

Comparing the size of potted plants

Large pots allow the soil to dry more slowly, increasing the risk of root rot. Having a plant that is too big for its pot can lead to it tumbling over. 

Soil dries very rapidly in a tiny container, making it difficult to water sufficiently. When a plant is too root-bound, it may not be able to develop as quickly as it should. 

Pots that are the same size as the one the plant is already in are ideal for huge plants. It is best to use a container that is at least 2-4 inches wider in diameter when transplanting a grown plant. 

For fast-growing indoor plants, use bigger containers. Slow-growing plants benefit from a pot that is 1-2 inches larger. 

Select a material for the planting

Most pots use plastic or terra cotta, or clay, as their primary material, but other options exist.  

Colorful, lightweight, and inexpensive, plastic pots make great pots. As a result, you'll have to water them less regularly. When weight is an issue, such as with hanging baskets or plants on a wall shelf, go for plastic instead than metal.  

Terra cotta pots are heavier, have more intricate designs, and are more expensive than their ceramic counterparts. Plants need to be watered more regularly since these pots are permeable. 

Cacti, succulents, orchids, and bromeliads all thrive in terra-cotta pots because they like dry or well-aerated soil. 

Drainage should be considered before decorating 

The bottom of your pot should include a drainage hole that enables water and air to flow freely. 

Utilize a pot without drainage holes as a cachepot to keep the pot your plant is growing in if you wish to use it for ornamental reasons. Get creative with a simple plastic or clay pot by placing it in a decorative container.  

Double potting is another name for this process. Drainage holes are not required in a cachepot, but they should be big enough to fit a saucer that is large enough to hold the developing pot. 

Wicker baskets, eye-catching glass bowls, or metal boxes may all be used as containers. If you're looking for something a little more distinctive, consider hatboxes, cookie jars, or old enamelware. 

Create your cachepot to show off your unique flair. Add some acrylic paints to the pot and you're ready to go. It's also possible to use a basic plastic pot and some glue, as well as buttons or pebbles or glass tiles or shells or sticks as a cover.  

If you want to make your pots stand out, check out what's available at your local hardware and craft shops. 

Now that we know the foundation and basics of potting. 

Here are some of the best pots you can use: 

  1. Terra-Cotta pots for succulents & over-watering plants

    A succulent or anybody prone to over-watering will do well in terra-cotta since it allows for enough airflow and dries up the soil between waterings. 

    It's also a fantastic option for top-heavy jade plants that are prone to tipping over since it's heavier than plastic. If you're going to use the trays for a long time, be aware that they might leave scars. 

    You may breathe new life into an old terra-cotta pot or a group of them by first painting them white and then selecting a new color from your collection. 

    Check out these Terra Cotta Pots from Amazon by clicking here.

    1. Cutting pot for air plants

    Small air plants and propagation cuttings are more suited to these planters than large hanging glass orbs and dramatic wall planters.  

    While the pots are charming, they may not make good long-term homes for appropriate plants since they don't allow for the soil to be placed inside of them. 

    Air plants and cuttings are excellent candidates for more hazardous situations, such as glass orbs, arching frames, and tiny wall planters, because of their temporary nature.  

    To keep your air plants healthy, be sure to frequently clean and bathe them and to keep any cuttings immersed in water. 

    Check out this funny but intriguing pot for Air plants here. 

    1. Best plant pots for indoor use

      Your plant will need a larger container after it has outgrown its nursery pot and is ready for a more permanent setting.  

      Drainage holes are critical since overwatering is a leading cause of dead houseplants. It's easy for your plant to become soggy and develop potentially fatal problems like root rot if you don't have them. 

      Succulents and cacti want their soil to dry out at least 50% between waterings, therefore drainage holes are essential.  

      Plastic pots tend to hold water better than their natural equivalents, such as stone, ceramic, and earthenware, thus this should be taken into account.  

      When it comes to protecting your floors and surfaces after watering terra cotta may also work. 

      Check out this amazing plastic pot for your indoor plants from here. 

      4. Choosing the right pot shape

      The best pots for indoor plants

      Pot shape is one of the most important features to consider when buying a pot for house plants. Pots can come in all shapes and sizes, from traditional terra cotta pots to contemporary metal pots. Choosing a pot that has plenty of room (especially at the bottom) will ensure that it can hold as much soil as possible while still leaving enough space on top of the plant roots. Plus, larger pots can easily make a small plant seem fuller and more healthy. Pots with a wider opening are also an excellent choice because they allow you to get your hand into them more easily.

      You’ll be able to water the plants without getting dirt or water everywhere! If you have multiple large pots, you might want to find pot covers that go over them so your floor doesn’t end up covered in potting soil and water spills. One thing to note about pots for house plants: Make sure there’s some kind of drainage hole at the bottom so any excess water doesn’t stay in the pot and rot away the root system!

      5. Choosing the right color

      Choosing pots for house plants is as easy as assessing which color of pot you want to go with. If you have a patio that gets direct sunlight, it is best to use pots that will be able to withstand exposure to high levels of sun. Clay pots are a good option because they can withstand the elements better than plastic pots. Most metal containers will not be appropriate outdoors because they will rust or corrode over time. All of these options need good drainage holes for water to run out, so make sure there are holes in your pot before purchasing one.

      The most important thing when choosing pots for house plants is ensuring that the pot has adequate space around the root ball and does not restrict airflow. You should also consider how much watering is required; if it rains often where you live, then a terra cotta pot would probably be ideal since this type of pot can store rainwater easily. However, if rain isn’t frequent where you live or you find yourself having to water more often than necessary, clay pots may work better since they are porous and allow excess moisture to evaporate into the atmosphere more easily. When picking pots for house plants, make sure you know what your needs are first!

      6. Tips on where to find cheap ones online

      A lot of people are intimidated by planting houseplants because they feel like it's an overwhelming process. However, there are tons of great guides out there that make starting a new collection easy. I love this guide from HGTV for example. It walks you through some quick tips on choosing which pot is the best fit for your plant including size (the larger the better!), material (ceramic and plastic are good options), and even style if you have a preference!
      My favorite place to buy pots is Pottery Barn as they always have a big selection at very affordable prices! When it comes to finding the perfect pot for houseplants, you have a few options. You can find some locally or online, but if you’re looking for a great deal on pots or want to know where to find cheap ones, Amazon is a good place. This site has everything from clay pots that are handmade in Italy with no chemicals used in production at all (saving them long-term) to whimsical plastic containers which are easy to clean and lightweight so you can transport them around easily. I recommend searching pots on this site as there are dozens of results with various styles and materials available.

      Final thoughts 

      We hope you found this guide helpful in choosing what type of pot is right for you. If you have any questions or would like our help with anything else related to houseplants, feel free to reach out anytime. In addition, we are always happy to hear about your successes and victories as a houseplant parent. Please share them with us on Facebook or Instagram!

      -Foliage plants (shade-loving) should be watered less often than succulents and cacti. Aim to water these types of plants every 2-3 weeks.
      -Succulents need more frequent watering than other types due to their thin leaves and stems; they should be watered once per week at most if they’re not under direct sunlight.
      -Don’t forget that it’s okay if the soil dries out between waterings! Sometimes people overwater their plant because they think it needs more moisture when all it needs is time without water to give its roots a break from being saturated all the time.

      Looking for the best type of pot to use for your house plants can be a chore. 

      What should I buy? 

      Will Terra Cotta be the best? Or ceramic? 

      What if the size doesn’t match properly? 

      Worse yet, what if it doesn’t look good? 

      There are so many what-ifs while selecting a pot. 

      In this article, I gave you an easy guide you can follow to picking a pot. 

      First of all, know the basics. 

      Know the size of the plant, and figure out which material will work best with your plant and if the drainage will work best with it or not. 

      Once you know that, then you can always pick a pot. 

      Some of the best ones are given in this article such as the Terra Cota, ceramic or plastic pots.
      And lastly, don’t forget to buy one of my favorite plant watering cans from Amazon. It’s made up of copper and it feels amazing, it enhances the mood while watering my beloved plants and I’m sure it will do the same to yours too.


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