Indoor House Plants

10 Indoor House Plants with Flowers which you should buy first

Which Indoor House Plants Should I Buy First

When it comes to plants, we mostly think of outdoor gardening. However, many indoor house plants have the same benefits as their outdoor counterparts with the bonus of being able to grow all year round! Whether you live in an apartment and don’t have access to a garden or you just love plants, these indoor house plants with flowers will add some green life to your home and come with very little effort on your part.

Are you a homeowner looking to decorate your interior with plants? 

Having a house plant inside your home can be one of the best decor ideas but also very challenging. If you get it right, it can make your house insanely beautiful but if you get it wrong, it can waste a lot of time and money in the process. These ten easy-to-care-for houseplants are also great for people who suffer from allergies and can’t enjoy other flowering plants in their homes!

Which Indoor House Plants Should I Buy First

Which Indoor House Plants Should I Buy First

  1. Peperomia

Adding the Peperomia on a table, desk or shelf is a terrific way to add visual interest.  

More than a thousand varieties of Peperomia may be found, each having thick, waxy leaves that can withstand dryness and come in a variety of colors of red, purple, grey, or green. 

When it comes to Peperomia, variety is the most important factor. The leaves are gorgeous and come in a broad range of sizes and colors depending on the variety. 

The Peperomia is a good houseplant for beginners since it is tolerant and can tolerate little neglect. Groupings of several types of plants may provide visual interest to the landscape. Even though it grows to a maximum height of 12 inches, it isn't very sensitive to swings in light intensity. 

In a well-ventilated area with sufficient air circulation, set the plant and water it when the top half of the soil dries up; it does not need direct sunshine. Keeping your Peperomia happy and healthy requires a little more than that. 

You can buy this plant from here. 

  1. Snake plant

Snake plants, also known as mother-in-law's tongues, are one of the most versatile plants on this list. This plant is drought tolerant and can be used both indoors and outdoors. It is safe to say the snake plant is a low-maintenance plant. Besides its minimal needs, it provides a beautiful sight in any home or office with its long leaves and green leaves.

The snake plant will grow wide, leaving you extra room for other plants or furniture if need be. The snake might even reach up to 3 feet in height if left unchecked and will act as an effective air purifier as well as provide oxygen all day long!

To make your life easier, place your snake plant in a pot so that it doesn't get too tall, and place the pot somewhere out of the way. If you find that your leaves start to yellow after time, there is no need to worry; this means they're getting too much sun. Simply move them into a shadier area and watch them thrive again!

Snake plants have sword-like leaves with green stripes running through them. In addition, they are quite hardy.  They like a lot of light, but if necessary, they can do without it.  As long as the watering isn't excessive, they're OK with it.  

They are also a great option for an office setting. The primary clump may be readily split when repotting is required. 

You can buy this plant from here. 

  1. Spider plant

Popular among first-time gardeners is the Spider Plant (also known as Hen and Chicken Plant, or ribbon plant). A central point at the base of the plant produces long, sword-like green, cream, and white leaves. Plants like these are hardy, simple to grow, and need little to no care and attention.  

A well-lit environment is ideal for these plants, although they also flourish in hanging baskets (no direct sunlight required). If you allow it time to "settle" in a new location, it can thrive in nearly any environment. 

No need to be concerned about moving the Spider Plant about your house because of its tolerance to changing environments. 

As long as the soil is wet and the plant has enough light, it will thrive.

Be careful not to overwater your Spider Plant. Wilting and root rot may occur when the plant is overwatered. 

Most spider plants have brown leaf tips as their most typical symptom.

You can buy this plant from here. 

  1. Moon cactus

Cacti make excellent indoor house plants because they do not require much water or light, making them an ideal house plant for beginners. They also make a great gift! Cacti will grow small thorns to protect themselves from danger, so you must handle them with care.
Cactus plants grow relatively quickly, so be sure not to overwater them. The best time of year to purchase a cactus is during the late fall season and in early spring when the temperature outside is more manageable for handling (lower humidity).
The most common type of cactus used as an indoor house plant is the opuntia or prickly pear cactus. These types of cacti can come in many shapes, sizes, and colors depending on their growing conditions.  One of the most popular indoor cacti is the Christmas cactus, which produces white flowers around December.

Why do these plants produce flowers at different times?

The reason why these plants produce flowers at different times throughout the year has to do with how they receive sunlight - sometimes being inside may give them enough sunlight exposure to bloom.
One other good variety of indoor house plants is the peace lily; this lily does well indoors and requires little attention, but requires lots of indirect sunlight each day to thrive. Peace lilies grow rapidly, so be careful not to over-water these!



  1. Wandering Jew plant

Because of its reputation as a 'tough to kill,' the Wandering Jew is an excellent houseplant for beginners. Striped leaves and development on the top of the plant make it an eye-catching specimen from Mexico. 

Purple growth is fresh growth, but green growth is more established and hence older. The simple-to-produce during the spring or early summer, the Wandering Jew often blooms in a variety of colors, including purple, pink, and white. 

The Wandering Jew is a fantastic hanging basket plant, but it may also be put on a high shelf for a more contemporary look. High humidity levels and wet soil are two of the few needs for this houseplant. 

If you have dry air in your house, you may have to work more to keep the soil wet and the humidity up (if the soil dries out completely the roots might die). Humidity may be maintained in your home by grouping your plants, utilizing a humidity tray, or investing in a humidifier. 

As the plant matures, it may begin to thin down and become sparse. 

Cutting off the plant's tips will solve this problem. Trimming the plant properly encourages it to regrow thick and lush. 

You can buy this plant from here. 

  1. Bromeliads

Bromeliads have had a bad rap due to the time and effort it takes to get them to bloom. Bringing these tropical plants inside might indeed be a challenge.  

Their needs include plenty of water and heat in addition to high humidity and soft light. However, there are a few species that have aesthetically pleasing leaves on their own. 

When watering bromeliads, it is customary to fill the middle cup halfway. They don't need much in the way of fertilizer. Repotting the puppies that sprout around the plant's base will allow you to grow your collection. 

You can buy this plant from here. 

  1. Fiddle leaf fig


The Fiddle leaf fig is a popular houseplant that may be seen in a variety of upscale interior design publications. One of the tallest and least bushy plants on the market. 

It's a wonderful space saver and eye-catching addition to nooks and crannies. The leaves are large, waxy, dark green, and shaped like a violin, which is why the name was given. 

The Fiddle leaf fig has a bad reputation for being difficult to take care of. This specific houseplant is native to the tropics, where it thrives in warm, damp, and humid conditions, which isn't necessarily the case in most homes. That shouldn't deter you, however. 

The Fiddle leaf fig will grow if you offer it with bright, filtered light and lots of water. 

8. Peace Lily

Even though the peace lily doesn't produce any sort of flower, it does provide your space with plenty of other benefits. The leaves have a nice thick, round shape and their color ranges from light green to deep forest green. The flowers on this plant offer a pleasant fragrance and their colors can range from deep purple to white.

When these plants are left in water too long they will grow root-like feet which then become stuck to the side of the pot when they dry out and die off. If you decide to use tap water make sure you let it sit for 24 hours so the chlorine evaporates before you give it to your plant.

9. Pothos

Pothos are plants from the Araceae family. It is an evergreen and will do well inside as long as you take care of it properly. You should water this plant only when the soil has dried out to prevent root rot.
It grows in USDA zones 10 through 12 and prefers indirect sunlight indoors. For this plant to look its best, you should give it sufficient humidity, which can be accomplished by placing a saucer or dish underneath its pot that contains water.
Pothos requires little maintenance and is fairly easy to care for. However, there are some general rules you should follow if you want your pothos to grow into a healthy and full specimens.
First, make sure the soil does not dry out between watering times. When planting a pothos for indoor use, choose an area where it receives plenty of light but not direct sun. Place your pothos near a window so that it gets indirect light during the day without being hit directly by the sun's rays. Next, mist your pothos every day using room-temperature water to increase humidity levels around your plant while also getting rid of any dust particles on its leaves. Finally, trim off any dead leaves on your plant regularly since they may cause bacteria to spread throughout your entire house if left unchecked!

10. Alvera

The Alovera is a popular indoor house plant, which is an easy-to-care-for indoor green living wall. These plants grow about one inch per year and can reach heights of three feet in the right conditions. To care for the Alovera, keep them watered, not letting them become dry or soggy. The air humidity level should be 50% to 80%. They prefer cooler temperatures and should be kept out of direct sunlight. An ideal temperature for these plants is around 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The soil should always be well drained and feed them at least twice a month, or when they begin to look dry.

Final Thoughts 

Start by purchasing a vase of your favorite flowers. Then, you can take it one step at a time. First, buy an easy-to-care-for house plant. Keep in mind they should be hardy enough for a variety of lighting and average room temperatures.

Next, enjoy the fresh look of your blooming plants! You’ll want to make sure to water them properly so that the soil does not dry out. If you feel like buying more plants, there are plenty of other varieties available as well. Be sure to visit a nearby garden center or online retailer for more information on what kind of indoor flower arrangements will best suit your needs.

Every time you’re working on the interiors of your house, you must give it a lot of thought. Especially when it’s as challenging as plating indoor plants. 

But if you are serious about this then you must try the above plants first. They are:

  • Peperomia
  • Snake plant
  • Spider plant
  • Moon cactus
  • Wandering Jew plant
  • Bromeliads
  • Fiddle leaf fig.
  •  Peace Lily

  • Pothos
  • Alovera
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