Depression and Anxiety

How I Manage My Depression and Anxiety with Medication

Depression and anxiety are both prevalent in the US population, with about 16% of the adult population dealing with some form of depression, and 7% dealing with some form of anxiety disorder. For many, medication plays an important role in helping to manage these disorders. Many different types of medication can help people deal with their depressive or anxious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; read on to learn how I make sure I take care of my depression and anxiety with medication.

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What is depression?

Depression is a mental health disorder that causes feelings of sadness, loss, anger, guilt, or frustration to last for weeks or months. Depression may also make it difficult to enjoy activities that you once found pleasurable. Depression can be caused by several things including genetics, brain chemistry, life events such as death or divorce in the family, stress at work or school, and grief after the death of a loved one.
The symptoms of depression vary from person to person but they may include: low energy level; constant feelings of sadness; inability to concentrate; changes in appetite or sleep habits; withdrawal from friends and family; loss of interest in activities that were once pleasurable like sex and hobbies.

Types of medication to treat depression

Many different types of medication can be prescribed to treat depression, from antidepressants to mood stabilizers. They all work a little differently but they all have the same goal: to reduce or eliminate your symptoms. You may need to try more than one type of medication before you find one that works for you. The best way to determine which medications will work is by talking with your doctor about what’s been effective for other patients that have similar symptoms. Your doctor will help you figure out how to take the medicine when to take it, and what side effects could happen. Remember, there are no right answers—everyone is different! And don't give up if you don't see an immediate change in your mood after starting treatment. It can take weeks or even months before changes happen.


Anti-Anxiety Medication

When it comes to anxiety, medication is my go-to. For me, the meds help me breathe easier, but can also make me a little sleepy. If you're interested in trying medications for your depression or anxiety symptoms, talk to your doctor about what would be best for you based on your symptoms.
I'm not the only person who has found relief from depression and anxiety using medication. A recent study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that more than half of Canadians diagnosed with mental illness are prescribed anti-depressants. That's because these medications have been shown to reduce depressive episodes by up to 50%. The downside? It takes time for these drugs to take effect so some people may need to experiment with different dosages before they find one that works. I'm currently taking 75mg per day which means I can function like a normal human being at work and home. The idea of coming off them sounds daunting right now, but if things get bad again (and they always do) then maybe I'll start thinking about it.

Tips for choosing the right medication for you

There are many different types of medication to choose from, but there is no one size fits all treatment. There are also many different types of depression and anxiety disorders, so it's important to consider which symptoms you're experiencing before you start your search for medication.
Do you have difficulty sleeping? Do you feel depressed? Are you having trouble focusing or concentrating on your work or schoolwork? Does your mood change dramatically throughout the day? All of these symptoms can point to depression, while they may also be signs of anxiety. Your doctor will help determine what type of medication would be best for you by examining the severity of your symptoms, as well as their duration. The doctor may also want to look at other aspects such as lifestyle choices like alcohol consumption or smoking habits if those could affect your diagnosis. They'll also want to know about any drug interactions that might occur when taking medications. A psychiatrist will generally prescribe antidepressants for major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders, but sometimes stimulants like Ritalin might be prescribed if there is significant attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in addition to depression and/or anxiety.

Try different medications until you find the one that works best for you

I first went to the doctor when my anxiety was affecting my performance at work. After a round of tests, it was clear that I needed medication to manage my depression and anxiety symptoms. With medication, my mood improved, and the feeling of being overwhelmed subsided. Now, I can get through each day without constantly worrying about what's next. If you are struggling with depression and anxiety symptoms, talk to your doctor about getting an evaluation for medication options. It may take some trial and error before you find the right one, but there is no shame in using medications as a tool to help manage your mental health. You deserve to be happy!

Life hacks for taking your medication

1. Keep a medication schedule that you can adhere to.
2. Try not to take your medicine at the same time every day because some people say it takes longer for their body to get used to it this way.
3. Consider taking your medicine in the morning or before bed because some people say these times work better for them.

4. Some medications have side effects, so talk to your doctor about how they might affect you specifically.

5. It's also important to remember that what works for one person may not work as well for someone else, so find what helps manage your symptoms best!

Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed reading about how medication helped me manage my depression and anxiety. Remember that you don't have to go through your mental health issues alone, there are people out there who can help you. For more information on depression or anxiety, please visit the following links National Institute of Mental Health

Mental Health America
American Psychiatric Association

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